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Press Releases

Liz Whitmer Gereghty Condemns Mike Lawler’s Shameful Vote For Extremist Speaker Mike Johnson

Lawler votes for man who suggests women must be forced to give birth in order to save Social Security Katonah, NY — After 22 days without a Speaker, and three failed candidates, the Republicans brought their fourth and final Speaker candidate to a vote on the floor and Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY17) showed the voters […]


Press Releases

Liz Whitmer Gereghty Endorsed by Rep. Eric Swalwell

KATONAH, N.Y. — Today, Liz Whitmer Gereghty announced she received an endorsement from Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA-14) in her bid for Congress.  “In order to flip New York’s 17th Congressional District and take back the House, we need to elect Liz Whitmer Gereghty,” Swalwell said. “Her steady, pragmatic leadership is the ultimate foil to Mike […]


Press Releases

Liz Whitmer Gereghty Endorsed by Rep. Kirkpatrick’s PAC, Moms Fed Up

Katonah, NY — Today, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick’s PAC, Moms Fed Up, has endorsed Liz Whitmer Gereghty in her campaign for Congress in New York’s 17th Congressional District. Women still only represent 27% of Congress, and moms with young children make up less than 10%. We need more moms at tables where legislation is being created […]


Campaign News

Happy Voter Registration Day!

To me, voting is a DUTY and that is why it is so important to make sure you are ready to go when Election Day comes. TODAY IS VOTER REGISTRATION DAY! So let’s make sure you are registered to vote. (Note: for some of these steps you may need to have a account. Don’t […]


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